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Thinking of Having a Clean and Uncluttered Attic but Confused Between Regular and Deep Cleaning?

When is it necessary for you to choose deep cleaning of the attic over regular cleaning? What are the significant points you must consider to gain clarity about regular cleaning vs deep cleaning of the attic?

These are the important questions that pop up in most people’s minds when thinking of cleaning the attic. In my current blog, I’m sharing in detail about what is the difference between regular and deep cleaning of the attic. 

This helps you to choose an effective cleaning method for a healthy lifestyle.

Regular Cleaning VS Deep Cleaning of the Attic: Which One is Better for Your Loft?

Let me make it easy for you to compare all the important aspects of both cleaning methods with the table below-






















Not Used












Short Term


Long Lasting






Let’s understand in detail about each point-

Regular Cleaning VS Deep Cleaning of the Attic: Which is Time Consuming?

Regular cleaning of the attic consumes less time. It takes around 30-60 minutes to clean an attic.

Deep cleaning of the attic is time consuming. It takes 2-6 hours to clean the attic deeply. However, it depends on the size and the storage in the attic.

Process for Regular Cleaning and Deep Cleaning of the Attic

The process for regular cleaning of the attic is simple and involves a few steps. It includes – Sweeping, wiping surface-level dust from stored items and vacuuming.

The process of deep cleaning of the attic involves many steps as this is done by professionals in the field of cleaning. This includes- Cleaning every corner of the attic, removing bulky and junk items, vacuuming, making the attic odour-free, reminiscing damaged insulation, etc.

While Targeting Microbes During Cleaning of the Attic, Which is Better- Regular or Deep Cleaning?

Targeting microbes during regular cleaning of the attic is restricted. As one just cleans the surface level dust while regular cleaning targeting all the microbes becomes difficult here.

Targeting microbes during deep cleaning of the attic is not restricted. Deep cleaning is usually done by professionals. So, they exactly understand about the cleaning process and know how to target all microbes present in the attic.

What are the Cleaning Tools for Regular Cleaning and Deep Cleaning of the Attic?

Cleaning tools used during regular cleaning are simple. Such as – mops, normal sized vacuum cleaners, hand brooms etc.

Professionals use fancy and heavy cleaning tools during deep cleaning of the attic. They use many different electric tools. Such as electronic blower for dust removal, special scrubber, machines to clean the gaps between attic floor tiles, etc.

Regular Cleaning VS Deep Cleaning: Which Offers the Best Cleaning Supplies for Attic?

There are limited cleaning supplies for regular cleaning of the attic. One usually makes use of easily available supplies such as agents, soap powder, etc.

There are different varieties of supplies for deep cleaning of the attic as this is done by professionals in the field of cleaning. They use supplies that are more effective during the cleaning of the attic.

Which Type of Chemical Substances are Used during Regular Cleaning and Deep Cleaning of the Attic?

During regular cleaning of the attic, most people do not use any chemical substances. They just clean surface level dust with a hand groom and clean with a piece of wet cloth. If at all they use any substances, they use light DIY chemical liquids, vinegar, etc.

During deep cleaning of the attic professionals uses strong and suitable chemical substances. There are many varieties of chemical substances and experts in the cleaning field know exactly which substances are more effective during attic cleaning. They use the right chemical substances so that the chemicals should not damage anything while cleaning.  

What Does Deep Cleaning of the Attic Cover that Regular Cleaning Does not?

Regular cleaning of the attic includes minor things. It includes cleaning the floor of the attic and removing surface dust from the stored things.

Whereas, deep cleaning of the attic includes major things. Such as – removing heavy and bulky junk from the attic, removing stains and heavy dirt from the floor of the attic, removing damaged attic insulation, cleaning tiles of the attic, etc.

Regular Cleaning VS Deep Cleaning of the Attic: What is the Level of Sanitation?

Regular cleaning results in a basic level of sanitation. Here one does not target all the microbes and just cleans the surface dust while cleaning the attic.

Deep cleaning of the attic provides you with an excellent level of sanitation as this is done by professionals. They take care of every corner and almost everything while cleaning the attic with the best suitable tools and chemicals. So, this gives you a high level of sanitation.

How Long Does the Effect of Cleaning Last after Regular and Deep Cleaning of the Attic?

The effect of regular cleaning lasts for a short period of time. It lasts for 1-3 months.

The effect of deep cleaning of the attic is long lasting. It lasts for around 6-12 months. However, it depends on the seasons as well because attics are close to the roofs. So, after deep cleaning you just need to check once if the humidity, moisture, and heat are affecting the attic when the season changes.

Know About Regular Cleaning Versus Deep Cleaning of Attic Cost

Regular cleaning of the attic is inexpensive. Most of the time the expenses here are almost zero because one just removes surface dust from the attic without spending money on any new tools or substances. However, if one uses simple things like agents, soap powder, etc it can cost around 50-150 INR.

Deep cleaning of the attic is expensive as this is usually done by experts. The charges for the attic cleaning ranges between 500-2500 INR. These charges depend on the size of the attic.

At ‘My Raksha’, we provide deep cleaning services for homes and offices at reasonable prices. We include many different categories. You can view more details about our Cleaning Services.

Thus, regular cleaning of the attic is limited to a few simple tools, light substances, and basic sanitation. Whereas, deep cleaning of the attic is done by professionals and includes almost everything that is present in the attic by using fancy tools and effective substances. So, undoubtedly deep cleaning is better than regular cleaning in many ways.

I hope now you have gained complete clarity about general cleaning versus deep cleaning of attic. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further queries and need professional help in cleaning homes and offices 🙂 

The Clean Attic Makes You Feel The Sanitation Magic!

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